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Administrative postal address of JRPARIS

156T AV François Molé
92160 ANTONY - France


GPS coordinates

Latitude = 48.747886

Longitude = 2.285546


Physical access

Our head offices are located in the city of Antony, south of PARIS.

Many means of transport can give you fast access to Antony:


Public Transport:

Coming from Paris, take the French extension of PARIS's metro : RER B (choose only trains going to Saint Rémi or Orsay - Do not go to the Robinson branch)

Exit at the main Antony's station (the one which is connected with the Orly's airport)



TGV MASSY Station / Massy Palaiseau station

Versailles => Massy Palaiseau station


By road:

Coming from the East of Paris with the A86 = exit to Châtenay

Coming from the South-Est with the A6 = take the A186 and go to Massy city

Coming from the South--Wes with the A10 = exit to "Massy TGV"


From Airports

Roissy / Charles de Gaulle airport => take the RER B (Paris' suburban metro) in direction to the south, cross Paris and reach Antony (about 1h)

Orly airport => take the VAL until Antony (10mn)